Women and Money

It's one of those things that we keep learning about. But having money is only one aspect of living an Abundant life.
Abundance is a Divine Quality and a quality of the Universe. We certainly can see that in nature. Try counting the blades of grass, the stars in the sky, the grains of sand on a beach. Have you ever noticed that no matter what you think you'll never have again in your life, MORE always shows up? I used to live in New York and loved Broadway shows and went to see them all. The month before I went into a convent, my mom and I went to every show imaginable because I never thought I'd see one again. I've seen numerous ones since. We give up things and think we'll never have them again. That's seldom if ever true; there's always more. You think there's enough trouble in your life, and more shows up! There's always more.

I once read that there were enough building materials for every person on this planet to have an estate, and enough food to feed everyone three times over, but it's just not distributed. There is not a lack in the Universe. Where then must the discrepancy be? Anyone out there wondering, "How come I don't have my share?" By now, you know the answer I'll be giving: it's in our thinking. So, let's focus now on how to THINK Abundance.
I would venture to say that there is some area of your life where you could use a boost, and some might even need a major overhaul. So, stop for a moment and think of something that you may want that you think is currently missing in your life. Got it? It may be health, money, a relationship, a new car, or a new house, whatever. All the books on prosperity that I have ever read say the same thing: everything that manifests in the physical world first starts with a DESIRE. We've got to get clear on what it is we want, and then when we ask, it is always given. So, if you are reading this and saying, "I don't know", well, then no wonder nothing shows up. It can't show up if you don't know. So you need to get very clear.

There are a lot of people who don't want to want, because if they want and they don't get, they think they will feel worse. So, they shut off all the wanting. We really don't believe the Universe is abundant, so if we don't want anything, we will never be disappointed. The Universe is telling us to get very clear. If you think you have everything, consider world peace. What you think you'd like more of doesn't only have to be about accumulating things for yourself. If we get clear, it is always given.